Echoes Of Darkness Wiki

Player commands provide additional actions that are not available through the in-game user interface. These commands can be entered by typing them in the chat window, followed by the parameter, if required.

Some commands can also be used in the creation of macros.

Command Parameter Description
! [Message] Shout
+ [Message] Trade
# [Message] Party
@ [Message] Clan
$ [Message] Alliance
% [Message] Hero Voice
" [Message] Whisper
Command Channel
/channelinvite [name] Invite parties to command channel
/channelkick [name] Expel a party from command channel
/channeldelete Disband the command channel
/channelleave Withdraw from command channel
` [Message] Party leader chat
`` [Message] Raid leader screen message
Friend and Ignore
/friendlist Display the friend list
/friendinvite [name] Add a player to the friend list
/frienddel [name] Remove a player from friend list
/blocklist List of blocked players
/block [name] Add a player to the block list (ignore and stop trade)
/unblock [name] Remove a player from the block list
/allblock Block whispers from all players
/allunblock Remove the whisper block
/evaluate Recommend another player
GM and Petition
/gm [Message] Initiate a petition to the GM staff
/gmcancel Cancel a petition that has already been sent
/gmlist View a list of visible GMs
/unstuck Move a character that may be trapped
Movement, Time, and Recording Gameplay
/loc Display current location in x, y, z
/time Display current in-game time
/sit Sit down
/stand Stand up
/walk Toggle walk on/off
/run Toggle run on/off
/mountdismount Mount or dismount a pet
/start_videorecording Begin recording gameplay
/end_videorecording Stop recording gameplay
/startend_videorecording Start/Stop recording gameplay
/attack [target] Attack the target
/attackforce [target] Force attack a target
/attackstand [target] Attack while in a fixed position
/target [target] Select target
/targetnext Select next attackable target
/assist [target] Choose the selected target
/olympiadstat Displays the wins, defeats, and Olympiad points for the current period
/invite [name] Invite to party
/leave Leave current party
/dismiss [name] Dismiss from party
/partymatching Look for a party
/partyinfo Display information about the party
/changepartyleader Give authority to a party member (party leader only)
/pickup Pick up nearest object
/trade [target] Trade with the player targeted
/vendor Set up a private store for selling
/buy Set up a private store for buying
/dwarvenmanufacture Set up a private Dwarven crafting store
/generalmanufacture Set up a private common crafting store
/findprivatestore [text] Highlight private stores that match search criteria text
/packagesale Opens a private store for package sale
/nick Set your own title
/enemylist Display list of clans on which your clan has declared war but have not declared in return
/attackerlist Display list of opposing clans which have declared war on your clan that have not declared in return
/warlist Display list of opposing clans and friendly forces which have mutually declared war on one another
/clanwarstart Declare war against an enemy clan
/clanwarstop End a clan war
/siegestatus Lists clan members within the siege zone (Noblesse clan leaders only)
/clanpenalty View a list of any clan penalties
/allyinvite [target clan leader] Invite a clan into an alliance
/allydismiss [clan] Dismiss a clan from the alliance
/allyleave Leave an alliance
/allydissolve Dissolve the entire alliance
/allycrest Add the alliance crest
/deletealliancecrest Remove the alliance crest
/allyinfo Display alliance status
/duel [target] Challenge another play to a one-on-one duel
/partyduel [target] Challenge a group to a party duel
/withdraw End the duel early
Instanced Dungeons
/instancezone Displays the time remaining before you can enter the instanced dungeons again
/summonattack Commands a servitor to attack
/summonhold Commands a servitor to maintain its position
/servitormove Commands a servitor to move
/summonstop Commands a servitor to stop
/unsummon Dismisses a servitor
/petattack Commands a pet to attack
/petmove Commands a pet to move
/petrevert Reverts a pet back to its item
/petcollect Commands a pet to pick up an object
/pethold Commands a pet to hold its position
/petstop Commands a pet to stop
/socialhello Greet others with a kind "hello"
/socialvictory Let eveyone you know that you or someone else is victorious
/socialcharge Rouse your allies and charge
/socialyes Respond positiviely
/socialno Respond negatively
/socialbow Show your respect and bow
/socialunaware You have no idea what's going on
/sociawaiting I'm waiting...
/sociallaugh Have a good laugh
/socialapplause Applaud
/socialdance Serve them up your best dance moves
/socialsad Show grief
/charm Charm pose
/shyness Allows character to strike shy pose
/two-personbow Exchange bows with another person
/hi-five High Five another person
/coupledance Dance with another player